Doula realign, release and recharge bag

Doula realign, release and recharge bag


Introducing the Doula Recovery Bag, thoughtfully crafted exclusively for doulas who dedicate themselves to birthing assistance. This comprehensive kit is designed to aid doulas in rejuvenating after their invaluable support during births. Each item within the collection is meticulously curated to facilitate release, realignment, and revitalization – essential steps to ensure doulas are fully recharged for their next birthing experience.

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Products in Doula Bag, include:

— **Herbal Tea – Calming and Detox Blend:** Experience relaxation and spiritual cleansing post-birth with our specially formulated herbal tea. A soothing blend designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate after the birthing journey.

— **Crystals for Renewal:**

— Rose Quartz: Keep the nurturing power of love close by with the gentle energy of rose quartz, ensuring a continuous connection to the profound love experienced during birth.

— Black Onyx: Ground yourself and facilitate emotional release with the stabilizing influence of black onyx, assisting in finding equilibrium post-birthing.

— **Affirmation Cards:** Stay inspired and focused on your aspirations with our uplifting affirmation cards. A daily reminder of your greatness and the incredible journey you've embarked upon.

— **Ritual Bath for Rejuvenation:** Immerse yourself in a revitalizing ritual bath to shed anxieties and recover from the profound events of childbirth. Allow this sacred practice to aid your emotional and spiritual recovery.

— **Hair Rinse for Energy Cleansing:** Gently cleanse any lingering energies absorbed during labor with our purposeful hair rinse. Reclaim a sense of purity and freshness as you wash away the remnants of the birthing process.

— **Sage Smudging Bundle:** Clear your personal space and being with the purifying essence of sage. Use this smudging bundle to cleanse away any residual energies from both yourself and your surroundings, ensuring a harmonious transition from the birth setting to your home.